Proven Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Marketing Growth

Potential patients of all ages may consider plastic and cosmetic surgery for a variety of reasons. The question is: How do you find and influence your “perfect patient” to choose your practice?

Your entire plastic surgery marketing strategy should help you attract new patients and grow your practice. An integrated approach to digital marketing can boost brand awareness for your practice, increase traffic to your website, promote your expertise and online reputation and ensure that you stand out from your competitors.

Stay with us as we cover some proven digital strategies to accelerate growth in your plastic surgery practice!

Ensure Your Plastic Surgery Practice Website is Stunning

The single most important marketing tool for plastic and cosmetic surgery practices is the website, it is the first impression prospective patients have of you and your abilities (right or wrong). You only have a few seconds to grab their attention and provide the information they need, so a modern website design built to convert new patients is critical.

Your website needs to present information about what types of surgical and non-surgical procedures your cosmetic surgery practice offers and what they entail.

A successful plastic surgery website will include:

Bios of the plastic surgeons, with an appealing photo.

A landing page for surgical procedures and treatments. If you specialize in a type of surgery, such as breast augmentation, ensure these procedures have their own landing pages.

Online patient reviews, both written and video. As well as any awards or acknowledgments that the plastic surgery practice or staff have received.

Financing options for patients, to include payment plans and special offers.

A blog, regularly updated with current and informative topics related to the practice. Not to sell, but present value and information to help your website visitors.

A strong Call-To-Action (CTA) on each page. What do you want your website visitor to do? Tell them!

Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs), list out the questions you are consistently hearing and answer them.

Strong branding; your website must present YOU as the go-to expert in your local market.

Using the latest technology, SEO strategy and graphic design, PracticeVIP’s team of design experts can assist you in creating a premier plastic surgery practice website built to attract and convert visitors into patients.

Optimize Your Plastic Surgery SEO and Searchability

The searchability of your practice’s site is crucial to new patients finding you. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the key to ensuring that your site is highly visible when searching, and the most effective way to boost it is by focusing on local SEO.

Local SEO targets your local market so that your practice is one of the top three discovered in the search results when people are looking for local plastic surgery practices.

Google Maps and your location are important parts of local SEO. When your practice name or a related keyword is searched, its location should pop up quickly, preferably on the first page. Utilizing our experience in digital marketing, keyword targeting and SEO for plastic surgeons, we can select the appropriate keywords to ensure that your practice shows consistently in relevant search results.

Leverage Google’s Capabilities for Your Cosmetic Surgery Marketing

Most business owners are aware of the use of Google Ads and display ads to help you reach new patients and stay connected with current ones. One of the more important marketing strategies that Google offers is the Google Business Profile (GBP), formerly Google My Business (GMB).

Your business listing on GBP should be taken as seriously as your website, because not only does the GBP influence how and where your business ranks in search results, it is frequently the first thing that prospective patients see when searching your business.

Increase Your Reach with Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

Increase Your Reach with Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

Paid advertising is an important marketing tool that will boost your profile and target people interested in plastic surgery procedures. Google Pay-Per-Click, or PPC, is a fantastic platform to get new patients fast!

PPC ads are found at the top of the search results page. They use keywords and phrases to help target the audience that will most likely click through to your offer. The ads appear at the top of search results, and you should expect to allocate at least $50 per day for Google search ads for your campaign to be effective and yield the best results.

PPC ads are ideal for connecting with patients who are ready to invest in the type of procedures you provide. They are also ideal for retargeting people who have already visited your website or used your services, providing another opportunity to bring them back into your office for a consult.

Plastic Surgery Social Media Marketing and Retargeting

Social media marketing is a vital part of business, with free and paid marketing campaigns across all social media platforms to boost your visibility in significant ways. Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and TikTok allow you to reach people in search of information about plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures and connect with them. A recent article in Aesthetic Surgery Journal found that Google favors social media presence over academic experience or expertise in online search ranking.

These platforms also offer the advantage to "retarget" previous visitors and patients, reaching out to them with new information, special offers and growing the relationship.

Your plastic surgery social media campaigns should include posting engaging content at least 3X per week and retargeting.

Using the latest technology, SEO for plastic surgeons and graphic design, our team of design experts can assist you in creating a premier plastic surgery practice website built to attract and convert visitors into patients.

Word-of-Mouth Plastic Surgery Advertising

Some of the most compelling advertising is done by patients themselves. Word of mouth in the form of online reviews provides a dependable source of patient testimonials, positive reviews and feedback that prospective patients will see online.

Most people do some form of research on providers and plastic surgery procedures, so having a solid presence on review sites, including GBP, Healthgrades and Vitals, will improve your visibility and search results ranking. Highlight these reviews on your website and social media.

Email Newsletters to Maintain the Relationship

Email newsletters may seem like “old school” marketing, but they still are a highly effective medium to keep in touch with patients and maintain the relationship. It provides you with a platform to deliver valuable content, including blog posts, special offers and events.

Group emails are ideal for one-time promotions or offers. A series of email follow up messages, which can entirely be automated, is a great way to engage your audience. Analytics will show you what email marketing is most effective so that you can refine future campaigns for higher conversion and lead generation.

All marketing packages from PracticeVIP provide a complimentary customer relationship management (CRM) platform, so you can communicate easily and effectively with your patients.

Educate Your Audience with Your Blog

Yes, blogging is necessary for a solid plastic surgery marketing strategy and is a highly effective tool to reach and educate prospective new patients.

Written blog posts and video content on YouTube should be educational and relevant to what prospective patients are searching for.

This helps visitors on your plastic surgery website learn more about your providers, surgery procedures and what constitutes effective plastic surgery.

Follow-up and Nurture Your Leads

Getting leads is difficult enough but following up and turning those leads into actual customers is even harder. According to HubSpot, it can take up to five follow-ups before a lead converts to a customer, so persistence is the key.

Texting (SMS) is the best way to nurture a lead because it allows you to make a personal connection to the prospective patient. Text messaging has up to an astounding 98% open rate!

Of course, email is critical too and a high percentage of patients will open an email from their provider. Both email and text offers the advantage of automation, so you can develop a relationship with potential patients without having to send personalized messages. You can also schedule email and text messages to be sent over time, or based on user behavior.

PracticeVIP will develop for your practice a complete and customized follow-up and lead-nurturing system through automation, to include email, text messaging and voice mail drops. We follow up and get it done!

In-office Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Events

Your plastic surgery marketing effort should include hosting and participating in educational and special events. Events raise awareness about you and your practice, reinforcing your brand and educating potential patients about the services your plastic surgery practice provides.

Events are about making people comfortable and showing them the personal side of your plastic surgery practice, building rapport, confidence and trust with current and new patients.

How to WIN in the Competitive World of Plastic Surgery Marketing

You went to med school to become an exceptional plastic surgeon, this is where your focus should be. That said, you have three options as you develop your advertising plan:

1) Market yourself
2) Add it to the list of responsibilities for someone in your office
3) Partner with a US-based digital agency that works exclusively with plastic surgery practices

Our team at PracticeVIP understands your world. Our founder and much of our team are former pharmaceutical sales reps, with extensive experience in healthcare marketing, branding and consumer direct response marketing. Our CEO worked specifically in the plastic surgery and medical aesthetic market (former Allergan sales representative).

We know you are busy, let us take plastic surgery marketing off your to-do list so you can 100% focus on patient consults.

We'd love to learn more about you! For a complimentary practice growth consult, go right here to schedule.

You do AMAZING work -- now it's time to tell the world!